Relevant Coursework
Below are some of the courses I’ve completed that have strengthened my understanding of software development:
- Information Visualization: Learned the basics of presenting complex informatino using the Web, multimedia or informatino visualization techniques through Tableau.
- Advanced Web Design: Covered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build static websites and dynamic, interactive web pages.
- Information Security: Learned foundations of protecting assets, detecting threats, responding to incidents, and implementing security systems.
- Object-Oriented Programming: Gained expertise in OOP concepts using Java and Python.
- Network & Internet Technologies: Studied networks, universal protocls and services such as SMTP, HTTP, DNS and SNMP.
- Data Curation & Management: Deep dive into the use of large data sets and preparing them for work in organizational/research settings.
- Topics in Information Technology (Health Informatics): Focused on best practices for designing, testing, and deploying software applications.
- Social Informatics: Explored social, cultural, philosphical, ethical, legal, public policy and economic issues relating to Information Technology.
- Cryptography: Studied applications of algebra and number theory to encryption/decryption and cryptanalysis or attacking encrypted messages.
- Intro to Math Reasoning: Learned fundamental abstract concepts common to all branches of mathematics withi emphasis placed on understanding and constructing rigorous proofs.